
Accepting Medicare Patients

What's Medicare?

Medicare is a health insurance program run by the government of the United States that provides health insurance coverage to people over the age of 65, people under the age of 65 with certain disabilities, and people of all ages with end-stage renal disease. It is administered by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services ( It helps cover costs associated with hospital stays, doctor visits, prescription drugs, and other medical services.

What are the parts of Medicare?

Medicare is divided into four parts:

1. Part A: Hospital Insurance: Part A helps cover inpatient care in hospitals, skilled nursing facility care, hospice care, and some home health care.

2. Part B: Medical Insurance: covers doctor visits, outpatient care, preventive services, mental health services, and durable medical equipment.

3. Part C: Medicare Advantage: offered by private companies approved by Medicare and provides the same coverage as Parts A and B, plus additional benefits such as prescription drugs, vision, and dental coverage.

4. Part D: Prescription Drug Coverage: Part D helps cover the cost of prescription drugs. It is offered through private insurance companies and costs extra.

How does Medicare work?

Medicare works by providing a set of benefits and services to eligible individuals. To be eligible, an individual must be 65 years of age or older, have certain disabilities, or have end-stage renal disease. Those who are eligible for Medicare are able to receive coverage for hospital stays, doctor visits, preventive services, prescription drugs, and other medical services. Medicare is funded by a combination of taxes, premiums, and other sources, and is administered by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Dr. Sue Mitra Accepting Medicare Patients in Melbourne, Florida

Yes, Dr. Sue Mitra is currently accepting Medicare patients in Melbourne, Florida. Dr. Mitra is a board-certified family practice physician and is dedicated to providing comprehensive and compassionate care for her patients. She has been in practice for over 15+ years and is committed to providing quality care for her patients. To make an appointment with Dr. Mitra, you can call her office at 321-622-6222 or visit my website

Call our office today at 321-622-6222 to set up an appointment with Dr. Mitra and her staff.

Providing Quality Medical Care

Dr. Sue Mitra and her staff strive to offer their patients the best care, advice and services available in the medical field with the goal to keep patient healthy & happy.