
How to select your Primary Physician - why Dr. Mitra?

12, Oct 2021

If you are trying to select your primary physician, it is necessary that you find the right doctor that you feel comfortable to share your physical problems easily. It's important that you have a strong connection with your doctor. If you want a happy and healthy life, it's necessary that you contact a good primary physician. Our primary physicians are more than just doctors. 

While selecting a primary physician, discuss with your friends, family, and anyone you trust most. Other factors to consider are location. Your physician should be near your home or work, for easier access in case of medical emergencies. Keep these factors in mind when selecting the best physician for you.

Tips on how to choose your primary physician

1. One of the most common ways to choose your primary physician is to ask your friends or relatives about their family physician or someone they know. This adds more trust to the physician.

2. You might investigate how far the physician is from your home or office. If the physician is far away, it would add to your logistic charges and lead to problems in case of emergency. So, look for physicians near your home.

3. It is important to inquire if the physician is available on weekends and whether they can advise and check online. In case of emergency, this plays a vital role. 

You will get to know the physician once you meet them personally because everyone has different comfort levels.

Why you need a Primary Physician?

 A primary care physician can help you stay healthy and will be the first to treat any health problems that arise. Make time to find a primary care physician who you are comfortable with, and feel is the best fit for you.

A relationship with your primary care physician can help you detect and manage a wide range of health issues. A primary care physician can teach you how to lead a healthier lifestyle, provide needed medications, screen for disease, and recommend specialists when you need them.

Ending Notes

Whenever you select your primary physician, discuss first with your closest and most trustworthy persons, and make a good connection with your doctor so you can share everything regarding your health comfortably with your physician. So, if you are still having difficulty finding the best primary physician, then Dr. Mitra will be the best place for you. We will help you find the best primary physician you need as per your health conditions while keeping every aspect in mind.


Providing Quality Medical Care

Dr. Sue Mitra and her staff strive to offer their patients the best care, advice and services available in the medical field with the goal to keep patient healthy & happy.