
Memory loss can be frustrating but these tips may help your brain stay sharp

20, Jul 2023

Are you looking for your car keys?

Did you misplace your grocery list?

You're not alone in this whole wide world. Losing memory can be very frustrating and should not be taken lightly.

There are many simple ways to sharpen your memory skills. And you must know when to seek help for memory loss.

Physical activity enhances blood flow to the entire body, including the brain, keeping your memory sharp.

Try to engage in moderate aerobic exercise, such as at least 150 minutes a week of brisk walking or even 75 minutes a week of jogging.

No time for a full workout? Try to find time for a few 10-minute walks throughout the day.

Besides keeping your body in shape, engaging your mind to keep your brain in shape is essential.

Get in the habit of reading and working on crossword puzzles. Try a new hobby. Learn to play a musical instrument.

These activities help prevent some memory loss.

Social interaction with loved ones and friends helps alleviate stress and prevents depression.

Multitasking often overwhelms your memory. Staying organized is an art.

You're more likely to forget things if your home is in disarray. Keep track of appointments and events in your notebook, Google calendar or electronic planner.

Maintain a to-do list and keep checking off items you've finished.

Place your wallet, glasses, cell phone, car keys and other essential items in a set place in your home so they are easily accessible.

Creating memory cues such as putting your prescriptions next to your toothbrush will remind you to take evening medicines when brushing your teeth before bedtime and your morning prescriptions when brushing in the morning.

Adults should sleep an average of 8 hours at night regularly. Disturbed and restless sleep may contribute to memory loss.

Make it a priority to get enough sleep. If snoring disrupts your sleep, talk to your healthcare provider to get it evaluated.

A balanced and healthy diet consisting of whole grains, fruits and vegetables is good for your brain.

Low-fat protein sources, such as beans, fish and skinless poultry are good selections.

Avoid drinking too many alcoholic beverages.

Review your medication list with your doctor at each office visit, as some medications can affect your memory.

Despite being well-rested and functioning fine but increasingly forgetful, try these essential tricks and tips to sharpen your thinking and memory skills.

Forgetfulness can be a serious issue if it interferes with daily tasks and routines, such as managing your health care, finances or home life.

If you or a family member or friend are concerned about your memory loss, please do not ignore it.

Make an appointment with a primary care physician immediately. Your provider will likely complete a physical exam and check your memory and problem-solving skills with special screening tools and testing, such as a Mini-Mental State Examination.

Your physician may then refer you to a neurologist depending on the findings of the examination. Treatment depends on what's causing your cognitive impairment.


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